Fire Training Center Fire Props



Bidding Closed

Bid Date 5/26/21 4:00pm

Company & Contacts

Ventura County Fire Protection District
Contact 1 David Kirby: 805/ 910-0256
Contact 2 Teresa Barton: 805/ 389-9742  


Fire Training Center at 102 Durley


Addendum No.1, which pertains to the mandatory virtual pre-proposal meeting for subject project, is hereby issued today, 5/10/2021. See attachment. Acknowledgment of Addendum No.1 is required. To acknowledge, sign/date page 2 of 2 of the attached addendum document and submit with your proposal. Failure to do so may result in the disqualification of your proposal.

NOTICE INVITING BIDS – Issue Date: May 4, 2021


The Ventura County Fire Protection District (hereafter, “District”) hereby requests proposals from qualified and
experienced vendors to supply, install and maintain fire specialty props for a Fire Training Center at 102 Durley
Avenue, Camarillo, California 93010, as described in these “RFP” documents (hereafter, “Work”). Proposals shall
be received by the “District” not later than 1:00 PM (PST) May 25, 2021. The “District” may refuse to consider
proposals received after this deadline.

Proposers shall submit proposals electronically by the due date and time specified above, to the individuals listed below.

• David Kirby via e-mail to
• Teresa Barton via e-mail to

General Description of the Work: In general, the “Work” consists of supplying, installing and providing maintenance services for various fire specialty props for the new Fire Training Facilities to be built at 102 Durley Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93010, as described herein. All design, labor, tools, materials, incidentals, equipment, supervision, management, administration, testing and services necessary for the Work shall be included in the Total Lump Sum Cost Proposal.

Two structural Fire Training Facilities (“buildings”) for the Fire Training Center are currently being designed and engineered by the “District’s” architects. At the time of this “RFP” issuance, the “District” has submitted 95% design plans to the County of Ventura for plan-check review. These “buildings” will be constructed by a Prime Contractor through a separate contract. The proposer selected through this “RFP” shall design, supply, install, and maintain specialty fire props to be incorporated into the “buildings” being constructed by separate contract. The selected proposer of this “RFP” shall participate in the following project phases. Note that Phases 2 and 3 will overlap.

Phase 1 (Design & Permitting):
The selected proposer shall collaborate with the “District’s” design team to ensure the liquid propane gas (LPG) prop elements and additional non-fire training props, to be supplied by the selected proposer, are appropriately incorporated into the final plans and specifications of the “buildings” to be constructed by others.

Phase 2 (Bidding & Construction):
As noted above, the “District” shall award a separate construction contract to a Prime Contractor for the construction of the “buildings” that will house the specialty fire props identified in this “RFP”. During this process, the selected proposer shall assist the “District’s” design team with responses to Prime Contractor’s submittals and/or requests for information (RFIs) that could specifically affect the specialty fire props described herein.

Phase 3 (Delivery & Installation):
The selected proposer shall work with the design team to install the LPG system with a thermal lining system selected by the “District” and design team, including “District’s” selected non-fire training props. The selected proposer shall be responsible for delivering and installing all equipment, including connecting it to the main gas and electric facilities provided by the “District”, through a separate contract with a Prime Contractor. All Building Permits for the project will be obtained by the “District”.

Phase 4 (Maintenance):
Following successful completion and acceptance by the “District” of Phases 1, 2 and 3 listed above, the selected proposer shall appropriately maintain the specialty fire props for the duration outlined in subsequent sections of this “RFP”.

During Phase 3 (Delivery & Installation), the selected proposer shall have access to temporary power, be responsible for providing its own secure storage, provide enclosed toilet facilities, handwashing station with running water, soap, disposable paper towels and hand sanitizer dispensers, and be responsible for maintaining them in clean and sanitary conditions as well as regularly pumped at selected proposer’s expense.

Contractor’s License: Proposer shall possess and provide proof of a valid California Contractor’s License(s),
appropriate for the Work defined herein, as defined by California State law. The selected proposer shall maintain
said license(s) for the duration of the project.

Prevailing Wage: The installation of the burn props is “public works” as defined under Labor Code section 1720, subdivision (a)(1), and subject to the requirement to pay prevailing wage. A copy of the California Prevailing Wage Rates can be obtained from the following website:

Registration with Department of Industrial Relations (DIR): This project is subject to compliance monitoring and
enforcement by DIR. Contractor and all subcontractors must comply with the requirements of Labor Code section
1771.1(a), pertaining to registration of contractors. Pursuant to 1771.1(a), a contractor or subcontractor shall not be
qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal or engage in the performance of any contract for public work unless
currently registered with the DIR pursuant to section 1725.5, with limited exceptions for bid purposes only. Contractor
shall agree to comply with these sections and all remaining provisions of the Labor Code. For more information,
please go to the following websites:

Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: A mandatory virtual pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2021 @ 11:00
AM, PST. The meeting will be held for the purpose of answering any questions concerning the project. A meeting link
will be provided to all planholders at least 48 hours prior to the mandatory pre-proposal meeting. It is the responsibility
of the proposer to download and test the chosen meeting platform ahead of time (either Microsoft Teams or Zoom).

Proposers shall direct all questions and requests for information (“RFIs”) regarding this “RFP” only to the “District’s” single point of contact listed below. The deadline for submitting questions and RFIs is
May 19, 2021 by not later than 4:00 PM, PST.

The “District’s” single point of contact concerning this “RFP” is:
David Kirby – Phone: (805) 910-0256 and e-mail:

Liquidated Damages: The “District” will require the selected proposer’s contract to include a liquidated damages provision for Phase 3 (delivery & installation) of $800.00 per calendar day for each day exceeding 90 calendar days after the notice to proceed with delivery and installation is issued until that work is complete. See Contract Terms section of the “RFP”.

Bid Documents are available to bidders starting May 4, 2021 and will be issued at:

Coast Reprographics
1710 Donlon Street, Suite 2, Ventura, CA 93003
Contact Name: Brian Ehler Phone: (805) 642-5898 Email:

Each bidder is responsible for the cost of electronic downloads. Bidders may purchase hard copies of Plans and Specifications for a non-refundable amount of $10.00 per set, if picked up from Coast Reprographics at the above address. Any shipping and handling costs shall be the responsibility of the bidder. All payments shall be made directly to Coast Reprographics. Arrangements for receipt and payment for the Bid Documents shall be made directly with Coast Reprographics.

Each bidder must call Coast Reprographics at the number above to place an order prior to pick up or access their Plan Room at: for electronic download.

Bid Documents are also available for viewing at the trade organizations listed below.

1. Builder’s Notebook –
2. Construction Bidboard –
3. Cyber Copy –
4. Ventura County Contractor’s Association –