Regional Training Center

The Ventura County Fire Protection District (herein Owner, Fire District, VCFPD) is hereby requesting a proposal for the purchase of four (4) new, above ground 1990 gallons capacity, stand-alone propane tanks as well as the supply and refill of propane for a 2-year period. The tanks and propane are for the burn buildings currently under construction by McGillivray Construction, Inc. (herein General Contractor or GC) at Fire District’s Regional Training Center (herein RTC) located at 102 Durley Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93010 (herein “Project Site). Issue date of this RFP is June 24, 2024. Proposals are due and shall be received by the “District” not later than July 16, 2024.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date7/16/24 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

Ventura County Fire Protection District
Teresa Barton / David Kirby  
805-389-9742 / 805-914-4568


Fire District’s Regional Training Center located at 102 Durley Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93010


The Ventura County Fire Protection District (herein Owner, Fire District, VCFPD) is hereby requesting a

proposal for the purchase of four (4) new, above ground 1990 gallons capacity, stand-alone propane tanks

as well as the supply and refill of propane for a 2-year period. The tanks and propane are for the burn buildings

currently under construction by McGillivray Construction, Inc. (herein General Contractor or GC) at Fire

District’s Regional Training Center (herein RTC) located at 102 Durley Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93010 (herein

“Project Site). Issue date of this RFP is June 24, 2024. Proposals are due and shall be received by the

“District” not later than July 16, 2024.

Proposers shall submit proposals electronically by the due date and time specified above, to the individuals

listed below.

• David Kirby

• Garett Salzer

• Teresa Barton


“RFP” documents are available and will be issued at:

Coast Reprographics (Attn: Brian Ehler)

1710 Donlon Street, Suite 2, Ventura, CA 93003

Phone: (805) 642-5898 and E-mail:

One hard copy set of the “RFP” documents will be made available to each potential proposer at the

“District’s” cost if picked up from Coast Reprographics at the above address. Any shipping and handling

costs shall be the responsibility of the potential proposer. Arrangements for receipt and payment for the

“RFP” documents shall be made directly with Coast Reprographics. Call Coast Reprographics at the

number above to place an order prior to pick up or access its Plan Room at: for electronic download.


A pre-bid meeting is not scheduled for this project. Any questions should be submitted prior to the RFI

deadline and prompt responses will be provided


Proposers shall direct all questions and requests for information (“RFIs”) regarding this “RFP” only to the

“District’s” contacts listed below. The deadline for submitting questions and RFIs is July 9, 2024.


Contacts concerning this “RFP” are, in the order listed:

Garett Salzer – Phone: (820) 426-0340 Email:

David Kirby – Phone: (805) 910-0256 Email:


Award or acceptance, if any, will be made by way of a written notice of award to the proposer whose proposal

represents the best value as determined by the “District”, based on its overall assessment of all technical and

cost proposals received. As described in more detail herein, the “District” may solicit additional information

and engage in negotiations with one or more proposers after its initial evaluation of all proposals received.

The “District” intends to conclude its evaluation and enter a contract within 90 days after the date that

proposals are due. The selected proposer shall have (14) calendar days following acceptance of its proposal

to execute all bonds, insurance certificates & endorsements, and contract forms. “District” reserves the right

to withdraw the award if the selected proposer fails to meet the 14-day requirement.